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Summer Camp: July 3rd


Hello Summer Campers! I'd like to schedule video meetings on Friday July 6th. is suppose to be more reliable than Skype, so we will be using that. You can sign up for an account at: Try to sign up for a time of day that will work for you every other week through the summer. Please email me 2 options indicating your preference. 


Eastern time zone:


11:00 am

11:30 am

12:00 pm

12:30 pm

1:00 pm

1:30 pm


4:00  pm

4:30 pm

5:00 pm

5:30 pm


8:00 pm

8:30 pm

9:00 pm

9:30 pm


Here is one of Maira Kalman's first children's books. It is an excellent example of voice. Kalman's wit and charm come through with her word choices. This Calder Zoo is part of the Whitney's collection.  If you are interested this is a youtube link to Calder performs his circus.

Front and Back Cover

Front and Back Cover

End Papers

End Papers

Notice how the action starts and then the next page is the title page.

Here is the title page. This change in order resembles an intro to a circus act and sets up a more dramatic opening. | Brooklyn, NY 

© 2018 by Kristen Balouch

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