Week Two Assignment: Map of Your World
Your assignment:
1: I suggest you make a map of your world. You may or may not use the map in your final book illustrations, but this is a way to consider your world from another angle and to add details and other elements that you may have not considered. You can add your characters to your map as well. If your setting has not yet presented itself to you, then consider your characters and where you might like to see them. Make a list of ten places they could be and decide which one you are most drawn to. I encourage you to follow your intuition when deciding where to place your characters and let that be your starting point.
2: You might also consider hand lettering the text in your map.
Posting your work: Please post your progress in the Facebook group and I will create an album on Sunday to post your final map illustrations. Create one image of your map. Please make sure your name is visible on your work. Label your map with a name or a theme.
I'm looking forward to seeing your creations!
I hope you enjoyed this lesson!
k@kristenbalouch.com | Brooklyn, NY
© 2018 by Kristen Balouch